Predatory Mites Field Study
The increasing need for biological control measures in integrated pest management (IPM), makes risk assessment on predatory mites very important.

Study Design
- The study design is according to the latest IOBC guideline (Blümel et al. 2000).
- The basic experimental design is a dose response consisting of a control, test item plot with five replicates and a reference plot with three replicates.
- Grape vine or apple orchards are usually used in the study, but other relevant crops can be used on request.
- A minimum of 15 grapevines or 8 trees in apple per plot are used in the study.

Sampling, Identification & Endpoints
- Flower buds or leaves are taken at every sampling (a minimum of 25 leaves per replicate).
- Mites are washed out of the leaves using the Boller (1984) wash method. The mites are then counted and identified using a microscope.
- Percentage effect of the test treatment and reference treatment on the population density is determined.
- Population development of the predatory mites in the different treatments during the trial is determined.
- Statistical evaluation of the results.